
Showing posts from June, 2023

The concert conundrum: Why foreign singers prefer Singapore over Malaysia

      The disappointment of Malaysians fans has been palpable as popular international artists, Taylor Swift  adds international tour dates in Singapore but exclude Malaysia from their itineraries. To the dismay of swifties in Malaysia, Taylor Swift is set to perform in Singapore for a whopping three days. Many Malaysians did not take the announcement well, with a lot of people expressing their take on social media about Malaysia not being included in the tour.     Singapore seems to be overshadowing us in terms of appeal for foreign artists. The pattern started with Coldplay, a British rock band who performed for one night in Kuala Lumpur but had six nights in Singapore, despite many Malaysians appealed to the band on social media to add more nights here. Their plea is in vain and many felt like it was a slap to the face for Malaysia.  A tweet mocking the situation circulating online      The inclination towards Singapore as the preferred destination raises questions about why they do

w1: Deep sea survival guide 1

     If you somehow end up in the deepest  part of the world's oceans, Mariana Trench, which is approximately 11 thousands meters under water, the pressure would be roughly equal to having the weight of a Myvi pressing down on every square centimetre of your skin, in every direction. A feeling of isolation and icy coldness will envelop you, as the temperature of water around you is just hovering above freezing point.  exploring the Mariana Trench    Amidst the cold and eerie silence, some faint light flashes from distance. It danced and shimmered, breaking through the darkness like tiny stars. As the light source drew closer in a hasty pace, a school of bioluminescent fish revealed themselves, their bodies aglow with otherworldly radiance.       Imagine a realm so vast and unexplored that it covers over 90% of the Earth's bioshere, but so mysterious that we know more about the surface of the moon than we do about it - the deep sea.  Even until recently, the deep sea was largel